How To Secure Your Doors – Prevent Break-Ins With These Tips

Secure Door to Prevent Break-Ins

Do you know how criminals usually break into a home? Well, you would be surprised to find that according to stats from the Australian Institute of Criminology, 40% of burglars break into homes via an unlocked front door, whilst 30% opt to go through the windows, and 20% choose to break or pick a lock. Indeed, a huge percentage of criminals take advantage of the security weaknesses they may find in the front entryway of a home. But, if you want to protect your home, then installing a good alarm system is a good place to start. That said, there are plenty of other ways you can reinforce your front door.

Tip 1: Install a Reliable Deadbolt Lock

One of the first things you need to focus on is the locks on your front door. These create a secure burglar-proof barrier between any intruder and your home. As such, we recommend that you install secure deadbolts that will function as a difficult hindrance for potential criminals. Moreover, they will also provide you with peace of mind, knowing that you are safe and secure in your own home.

If your budget permits, go for deadbolts that feature a heavy lock extending into the door-jamb opening. You should find a metal strike plate in that area to ensure that there is a higher level of protection. For the back door or fire escape, opt for exit-only deadbolts. This way, people will only be able to access it from the inside. There will be no way for a burglar to see or open the lock.

Tip 2: Reinforce Your Locks

Aside from installing deadbolts, you should also ensure to reinforce any existing locks. If your locks look outdated and worn out, they can easily become a target for criminals. It would be of great help to install the same metal strike plate we mentioned in the first tip.

Tip 3: Have a Peephole

Aside from the aesthetic appeal, front windows also provide visibility for the front porch. So, to know who’s at the door before you answer it, you can simply peek through the window. You must know that threats do not solely linger at night. In fact, most burglaries occur between 12 PM to 5 PM – in broad daylight! Common criminals find their way into houses by pretending to be servicemen, salesmen, or government officials. Once they’ve tricked you into letting them into your home, they will have access to all your possessions.

Now, if you have a window, you can see the face of the person and their name tag before you open the door. On the other hand, if you live in an apartment complex, a good option would be to mount a wide-angle peephole. This will allow you to see outside your premises without having to open your front door. You’ll get a good field of view, which can be an excellent security measure.

Tip 4: Install a Quality Alarm System

If an intruder tries their luck and tests your door’s integrity, they will instantly regret their decision once your alarm system goes off. You can also place it in a prominent position to deter burglars from even trying. It’s worth noting that most criminals take the time to observe a neighbourhood to find out what is the best property to target. Now, if they see your alarm system, they will likely conclude that your home is simply not worth any of their effort. If you need help on choosing a high-quality security system, do not hesitate to contact Rockingham Home Security.

Tip 5: Install Security Lights Within the Door’s Vicinity

A lot of people ignore the high potential of security lights. Most crimes are completed in the dark, so shining a light on your front door can be a great measure for protection too. When your property is well lit, neighbours can easily see if someone is trying to break into your home. Needless to say, people will understand what’s going on and take the necessary action. Often, security lights can deter burglary attempts.

Tip 6: Have Motion Sensors on the Driveway

Another excellent way to illuminate your front door is by installing security lights with motion detectors. They will warn you when someone gets too close to your entrance way. You can also install them in your driveway to prevent burglars from even entering your property at all.

Tip 7: Install a Security Door

One of the best ways to reinforce your home’s protection is by installing a security door. Here at Rockingham Home Security, we offer doors that meet the highest standards for durability and protection. You can rest easy knowing that no burglar would be able to jemmy it- even shear knives won’t be able to bring these screens down! What’s more, you won’t have to sacrifice your home’s aesthetic appeal for security. We offer a wide range of decorative security doors that will guarantee to elevate the look of your property. Our team can help you choose the security door that will complement your home’s overall style.

When you want to secure your doors, contact the experts from Rockingham Home Security right away! Call us today and get a free quote!

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